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Chemical Peels

The Cosmetic Hub offers a variety of Chemical Peels including the world's best-selling depigmentation treatment, the Cosmelan Depigmentation Peel.


- AHA Glycolic (sugar cane), Lactic (milk) or Mandelic (bitter almonds): a light peel that is ideal for treating pigmentation


- BHA Salicylic: a light peel that is ideal for treating acne


- Jessner (combination): a medium peel for general rejuvenation


- TCA trethocanic acid: a medium BHA peel for general rejuvenation


- Vitamin A Retinol: a layered peel for general rejuvenation and acne


- Cosmelan: a deep peel for pigmentation, Melasma, signs of ageing, skin brightening and rejuvenation


If you are unsure which peel would best suit you, please arrange a complimentary consultation to discuss your options with our Skin Therapists.



Who is eligible for a chemical peel?

You are eligible for a peel if you are over 18, not pregnant or breastfeeding, and are in good health. You will also need to avoid prolonged sun exposure in the 2 weeks surrounding your appointment.​


Can I have any other cosmetic treatments on the day of my appointment?

It may be appropriate to have a microdermabrasion on the same day, but it depends on the intensity of the peel. It is best to check with your Skin Therapist.​


Is it painful?

Peels can feel tingly or 'spicy' when they are on the skin or when they are neutralised at the end of the treatment. This is normal and will subside quickly.


Is there any downtime?

You are able to resume your normal activities immediately after the treatment, although you will need to stay out of the sun. Skin may appear a bit red immediately after the procedure and so some people may prefer to spend the rest of the day at home. The redness may persist for 2 days, and the peeling (or shedding) will commence following this. For this reason, we recommend avoiding peels in the two weeks leading up to a special event.


How long will I notice the benefits?

Most people notice an improvement immediately after the first treatment, and your skin will feel baby smooth and clear following the shedding stage. However, it may take multiple treatments (as frequently as 1-2 months apart) to maintain results, or you can alternate with other skin treatments.

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